LIVE! #353 – How to Generate New Ideas for your Wedding Business
HOST: Debbie Quain
If you’re stuck in a rut with your wedding planning business and can’t seem to get your creative juices flowing, try a few of these ideas.
1. Carry a notebook and/or digital recorder
You never know when that jolt of inspiration is going to hit you. Make sure you have a way to document your thoughts and observations, on the spot!
2. Get ticked off!
As simple as it sounds, if you come up with a solution for whatever’s annoying you (and others), you’re on the path to
3. Have someone else drill you
When someone who is unfamiliar to your situation asks you questions, it’s just a matter of time before they discover something that you’ve overlooked.
4. Switch up your routine
Changing your routine opens your eyes to things you ordinarily miss. Drive home a different way, attend an event you’d normally avoid, speak to the person in the elevator next time around…
5. Make a list
This is an all-time favorite of mine. An itemized list is a super-easy way to generate lots of ideas without having to write paragraphs and paragraphs of text.
6. Sleep on in it (Be still)
If you’re so frustrated to the point that you’re unable to make any progress at all with certain aspects of your wedding planning business, you may just need to leave things alone for a while.
7. Hire a professional
Don’t be afraid to pay someone for their time to get the answers that you need. Don’t see any indication that they offer consulting? Just ask.
8. Get started!
Even if you don’t have the complete strategy in place, it may make sense to just get started with your wedding project anyway.
9. Hold a group brainstorming session
Get a group of friends together (feed them,)and let them know that you need their uninhibited minds to help you with ideas for whatever it is your struggling with. Record the session if you can.
10. Read everything!
Don’t limit yourself to wedding publications. There are tons of great ideas, systems, forms and more that you can adapt and/or tweak for your wedding planning business.
Would love to hear what works for you use when you’re experiencing a creative mental block? Please, post your comments and feedback, below.
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Wedding Business Guide – Discover how you can generate a part-time income by being a day-of wedding coordinator. Get access to video tutorials, downloadable forms, live monthly classes and much more. Take the free tour, now, at WeddingBusinessGuide.com
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When I’m feeling blocked and frustrated on what to do next, my fix is to clean…yes…clean. I de-clutter, re-organize, move things around re-stack…and guess what?….I find things I’ve been looking for and when I’m done, I have a clean slate or space… and the ideas just starts popping out. My mind is clear I feel like I opened a new canvas to think on. I keep an 11×17 sketch pad handy along with color pencils to jot down ideas and images. Sometimes the ideas flow so much I just can write them all down; so I really like the idea of a recorder….Plus, It just makes me fell happy and giggly, which is a lot of fun.
Vera Fernandes
Yes, yes, yes, Vera! You are so right! I’ve accumulated so much ‘stuff’ over the years…which is of no use if I can’t locate what I need when I need it. De-cluttering always means rediscovering old treasure which in turn opens up my blocked mind. Thanks so much. What a great suggestion. 🙂