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LIVE! #348 – Wedding Planning Software for Wedding Planners

Do you use wedding planning software to plan your clients’ weddings?  Do you really need it?


In preparation for this topic, I asked for and received lots of great feedback from both the Confetti Radio and the Weddings For a Living community about what you’re currently using to manage your client’s weddings.


As it turns out, several of you are using a good old-fashioned spreadsheet to keep things in order and an equal number don’t use any application at all.  Imagine that!

For the wedding planners that do use pro software, one of the favorites seems to be MyWeddingWorkBookPro (MWWP).

Although the plan for this show was to evaluate a variety of options for wedding planning software, I was able to coerce the wonderful Jeff Kear, one of the owners of the company behind this popular solution, to join us (at rather short notice, I might add) for the live broadcast to answer your live questions from the chat room. We learned so much.

Now, I have to be completely honest, here.  I actually went through the 30-day trial period offered by MyWeddingWorkBookPro, and struggled quite a bit. The issue for me was understanding how to apply its features to the workflow that I typically follow when I’m planning my client’s events.  I posted an ‘is-it-me-or-is-this-thing-not-as-easy-as-I-thought’ question on Facebook and the floodgates opened!  Your reactions were mixed.  A lot of your comments were about some of the recent changes made to MWWP. Hmmmm.

We heard a very helpful review from Anshwa who shared her experience (on our Listener Talkback line) with another very similar product created by the WeddingWorkBookPro team, PlanningPod.

Nancy, with the help and encouragement of Confetti Insider, Precious, also shared great feedback about how she’s using Google Apps to manage her weddings.  Very clever.


This Post Has 2 Comments
    1. Hi Donna,

      When you say ‘good software’ which tasks, exactly, are you’re trying to accomplish?

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