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LIVE! – Wedding Planner Chat #365

LIVE! – Wedding Planner Chat #365

This was our monthly live chat for wedding planners.

To be a part of Confetti LIVE!, the live broadcast, visit the Weddings For a Living live page on the first Saturday of each month. You can type your wedding planner questions and comments, in real-time in the online chat room while listening to (and sometimes watching) the live stream.



What I’m Reading Right Now [00:06:08]

The Apple Experience’ by Carmine Gallo.  One of the best ways to develop client loyalty for your wedding business is to observe how more established and successful non-wedding companies do what they do.  Apple definitely fits into that category, and this book is a true eye-opener.  Learn more about this book on Amazon.

‘Do It! Marketing’ by David Newman – I’m actually listening to this Audible book.  You’ll find tons of (77, in fact) great marketing ideas that you can apply to your wedding planning business (just don’t try to do all of them!). Check out this book on Amazon.

Audible is currently my favorite way to catch up on reading.  Check out Audible today AND get your free audio book.

Since we’re on the topic of books, just had to mention another AMAZING book that I didn’t think I was going to enjoy, but am in love with (and have read listened to twice, now): ‘Crush It!’ by Gary Varynerchuk.  You can check it out on Amazon and on Audible.

If you aren’t aware, Gary created Wine Library TV, a daily — yes, daily! — web TV show used that medium to skyrocket his family’s wine business.  Although Gary stopped his daily show back in 2011, archived episodes of the popular broadcast are still available for viewing.

Closing the Confetti Insiders Facebook Group [00:16:02]

I’ve decided to close the Confetti Insiders Facebook Group.  ( I know…I know) Although it was a tough decision, I feel strongly about it.  Listen in to learn more.

A Social Media Marketing QuickTip [00:27:28]

Heidi Thompson, the creator of Evolve your Wedding Business, shared a helpful marketing audio tip.  Visit to learn more and to listen to Heidi’s new podcast.

Your Wedding Planner Questions, Answered

“As a new wedding planner, what should I say to wedding vendors?”  [00:33:04]

Tatiana is developing her vendors’ list but is unsure how to approach local wedding professionals/vendors.

When you’re reaching out to other wedding professionals, the key is to make each interaction about the vendor…not you.

“Is it possible to get one of your Wedding Idea Kits in the mail?” [00:40:39]

I get this request often.  A Wedding Idea Kit is a great way to stand out with potential clients.  So, before the end of February 2014, I’ll post a video demo of a sample Wedding Idea Kit.  Promise. 🙂

“I am just now getting started in the wedding business.  Any tips for spreading the word and how I can book more brides.” [00:45:52]

Stephanie, like many of us, is a new wedding planner.  But, without knowing what makes her wedding business different from other area wedding planners, it’s difficult (for me, at least) to answer a general question like this. Stephanie: please, let me know a bit more about your wedding specialty if you have one, and I’ll do my best to share some great marketing ideas with you.

Charging a fee for your initial consultation; Yes or No? [00:51:58]

Should you charge for meeting with prospects interested in hiring you as a wedding planner?  Many wedding planners don’t, but some do. Listen in to learn more.

Another Great Online Wedding Radio Show [00:55:37]

Josh is a wedding celebrant based in Australia and hosts the Weddings Today online talk show for brides and groom.  Learn more at WeddingsToday.

Got a Wedding Planner Question?

If you’d like your question answered or have a comment to share on an upcoming episode, please leave a message on the 24/7 TalkBack Line: (202)681-2126

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